The objective of hepta group is to become the worldwide leader in supplying green energy and related raw material, and in the supply of 2nd generation bio-ethanol.

The Company was founded on the following principles:

- Demand for large-scale biomass energy plants will increasesteadily in the future

- For optimal operation of these plants, a steady and timely supply of large quantities of wood is required

- A fully integrated, engineered and controlled supply chain is the best solution to guarantee a steady stream of large quantities of wood

HEPTA has built its unique business model and organization to make this simple idea become reality.

HEPTA’s strenght in achieving its goals is its existing platform as a leading trader and producer of biomass for bioenergy as well as its know-how in building power, cogeneration and industrial plants, with a new view dedicated to 2nd generation bio-ethanol.

The integration of the added value chain has become a necessity given the evolution of the Energy market where large-scale biomass energy plants are in the process of being built.

The fuel requirements to supply these power plants will have to:

- Be available in industrial quantities

- Be deliverable on time

- Respect stringent quality standards

- Be renewable

HEPTA is the industrial answer to this industrial need:

Price: low, stable and guaranteed by the integrated supply chain

Quality: wood type adapted to power plants and origins certified

Quantity: ability to deliver thousands of metric tons in one or multiple deliveries

Flexibility: adaptable frequency of deliveries to contribute to lower stocks at power plant level

The single hurdle that has – so far – blocked the development of large-scale biomass power plants (300MW) or the conversion to biomass of existing CFB (Carbon Fluidized Bed) power plants is the difficulty in ensuring the required supply of biomass to guarantee efficient operations.

HEPTA GROUP was set up to become the first credible, large-scale, industrialized operator in the biomass energy production sector.

Critical to its success are the following competence areas:

The above place HEPTA in the unique position to be able to supply third parties power plants (as well as its own) with biomass fuel at the required quantities, with convenient timing, at the right price and with great flexibility.

A longstanding know-how in the production and sourcing of wood biomass, including forest engineering and management.

A capability to create and manage efficient logistics processes with costs in line with those of other fuels.